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5 Advantages of Invisalign® over traditional braces

Crooked or misaligned teeth not only look unsightly, they can also make cleaning the teeth difficult.  Teeth that cannot be properly cleaned can eventually contract periodontal disease.  This risks gum and bone damage, as well as tooth loss.

Wearing teeth braces is a way to properly align the teeth.  However, conventional braces are less than attractive, decidedly uncomfortable,  and can be painful to wear.  Adults can be especially embarrassed to wear them. Invisalign® clear braces are a great alternative.  Here are five reasons why one might wish to choose Invisalign® over conventional metal braces:

#1. Appearance

Invisalign® Clear Braces Look Better

Metal braces can cause the appearance of the mouth to be unattractive, as though it is filled with awkward chunks of unsightly metal.  They are noticeable, especially on an adult, and can get food caught in them without the wearer even being aware of it.  Invisalign® clear braces are barely noticeable.  They look very much as though the person wearing them is not wearing braces at all.  They are decidedly more attractive than metal braces.

#2. Comfort

Clear Braces Can Be Removed When Necessary

Once one of our trusted 123 Dentist orthodontics specialist attaches metal braces to someone’s teeth, the braces must remain in place until they are professionally removed.  Invisalign® clear braces are removable.  If, for any reason, the wearer of teeth aligners wishes to remove them for brief periods of time (to eat or drink), he or she may easily do so.

#3. Safety

Invisalign® Clear Braces Reduce Damage to Teeth and Gums

Conventional metal braces contain wire and protruding bits of metal that can puncture and scratch the insides of the mouth and gums.  Clear braces are smooth and comfortable. They do not include any sharp edges or protruding edges or bits. Conventional metal braces can affect demineralization and decaying teeth.  They use a great deal of force to straighten the teeth.  These problems do not exist with clear aligners.  Overall, clear braces reduce the damage normally caused by wearing braces, including gum disease and cavities.

#4. Duration of Treatment

Invisalign® Clear Braces Straighten Teeth Faster

Someone who wears metal braces might expect the treatment to take as long as 5 years.  Invisalign® can take from only one year, to a year and a half to work its magic and straighten your teeth.

#5. Knowing What to Expect

There are No Surprises with Invisalign® Clear Braces

In considering Invisalign®, dental patients undergo treatment planning that is fully computerized.  Therefore, they know exactly what to expect and how long they will need the braces before they begin wearing them.   Metal braces can be a trial-and-error situation that gives no clear idea of what is to come.

Overall, Invisalign® offers distinct advantages over conventional metal braces. It costs slightly more, but in the end, is well worth the price.  They are more comfortable than metal braces, pose fewer risks to teeth and gums,  and provide beautiful smiles much faster.  Anyone considering Invisalign® should book a consultation with a 123 Dentist community member clinic to determine if he or she is a good candidate to wear them.

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