Taking care of your teeth is important for you and your family, which is why you want a dental clinic that offers you a personalized experience. Here at Hamptons Dental, our team wants you to feel like family in our bright and welcoming office. We offer a comprehensive list of dental services so you can access every treatment you or your family needs in one convenient location.

New patients and families are always welcome here at Hamptons Dental. We look forward to seeing you in our clinic, whether you’re a new patient, a regular visitor, or haven’t seen us in a while. Book your appointment, and let’s discuss your oral health needs and goals!

Our talented teamRequest Appointment
  • Dr. Christine CarrollGeneral Dentist
  • Dr. Mohamed SolimanGeneral Dentist
  • Dr. Bhishaj SadasivaiahGeneral Dentist
  • Dr. Joon ParkDr. Joon ParkGeneral Dentist