Aldergrove General and Family Dentistry

Open Today( 9:00AM – 5:00PM )Request Appointment   Book   OnlineWe’re accepting new patients!Canadian Dental Care Plan welcome!

We have moved. We are now located on the border between Abbotsford and Aldergrove, at 27617 Fraser Hwy (see full contact info for details).

When you visit our Aldergrove dental office, your satisfaction is our top priority. Dr. Kevin Gill and his entire team are dedicated to providing you with the professional, personalized, high quality dental care that you deserve.

Our Fraser Valley dental office is devoted to your optimal dental health and restoring and enhancing the natural beauty of your smile using safe, proven, state-of-the-art procedures that will result in beautiful, long-lasting smiles.

We believe that education and prevention are the cornerstones of a strong, lasting smile. When you visit our Aldergrove dental clinic, Dr. Gill will provide a thorough exam, offer relevant information, and a full cleaning to optimize your dental health. We naturally encourage regular check-ups, and heavily prioritize preventative care over a ‘waiting until it hurts’ strategy.

Flossing, fluoride, and the right brushing tools can have a big impact on your smile, and did you know that your oral health is directly linked to your overall health? Dr. Gill works with patients to create a more accurate patient profile that is informed by their medical history for better dental care. Take a more cost effective, relaxed and healthier approach to your dental future with Aldergrove General and Family Dentistry.

Our talented teamRequest Appointment
  • Dr. Brian StrukoffGeneral Dentist
  • Dr. Kevin GillGeneral Dentist
  • dr-sowmya-aroraDr. Sowmya AroraGeneral Dentist
  • Dr. Prabhjot BhullarDr. Prabhjot BhullarGeneral Dentist